08 March 2012

World Travelin'

One day, I'm going to travel all over the globe: Australia, Germany, India, Thailand, Egypt, everywhere! Even though that is a long time off for me, it doesn't stop me from pretending! :)

I recently went to Tulsa, OK for work. A coworker and I decided to "eat around the world while we were there. We had a really good time doing it and probably ate just a little too much. (Good thing we also decided to work out together!)

Not pictured: the sinful German dessert!

Japanese is always one of my favorites.
Vietnamese got "Holy COW, that's a lot of food!"
 We also had Greek, Italian, Mexican, Indian, and others. They were nearly all delicious. There was actually only one I didn't really like. It was the night we were stuck eating at the convention center. I had a hot dog. Not just a normal hot dog, but a GINORMOUS salty, tough thing in a slightly harder than ideal bun. I drowned it in relish and washed it away with a $5 Dr. Pepper. *shudder* We called it our "Chicago meal."

Anyway, our little culinary expedition was an inspiration. Okay, to be honest, the naan at the Indian restaurant probably did most of the inspiring. (It was THAT good.) When I got home, I decided I wanted to make my own naan. When I started looking up naan recipes, I found several other neat and yummy sounding breads from various countries and cultures.

I decided quite a while back to make all my own bread. I've done really well with that. In the past year, I can count on one hand all the bread I've actually bought. To up my baking skills and have a little more fun in the kitchen, I started a new project.

I've decided I'm going to "bake around the world." I want to make the traditional and ethnic breads of as many countries(territories, colonies, & dependencies) as I can. I'd like to make them as authentically as possible. Given that I'm from a very small town with limited fund, there will  be some corner cutting.

I also plan on learning more about the countries I bake from from Albania to Zimbabwe, but in no particular order.

If you have any suggestions or recipes, please share!


  1. Why isn't the sinful German dessert pictured?

  2. Because I got it to go and ate it much later at the convention center.
